schwz  Generated automatically from develop
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cschwz::Settings::comm_settingsThe settings for the various available communication paradigms
 Cschwz::Communicate< ValueType, IndexType, MixedValueType >::comm_structThe communication struct used to store the communication data
 Cschwz::Communicate< ValueType, IndexType, MixedValueType >The communication class that provides the methods for the communication between the subdomains
 Cschwz::SchwarzBase< ValueType, IndexType, MixedValueType >The Base solver class is meant to be the class implementing the common implementations for all the schwarz methods
 Cschwz::SolverRAS< ValueType, IndexType, MixedValueType >An implementation of the solver interface using the RAS solver
 Cschwz::Settings::convergence_settingsThe various convergence settings available
 Cschwz::device_guardThis class defines a device guard for the cuda functions and the cuda module
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CBadDimensionBadDimension is thrown if an operation is being applied to a LinOp with bad dimensions
 CCudaErrorCudaError is thrown when a CUDA routine throws a non-zero error code
 CCusparseErrorCusparseError is thrown when a cuSPARSE routine throws a non-zero error code
 CMetisErrorMetisError is thrown when a METIS routine throws a non-zero error code
 CUmfpackErrorUmfpackError is thrown when a METIS routine throws a non-zero error code
 Cschwz::Metadata< ValueType, IndexType >The solver metadata struct
 Cschwz::Initialize< ValueType, IndexType >The initialization class that provides methods for initialization of the solver
 Cschwz::SchwarzBase< ValueType, IndexType, MixedValueType >The Base solver class is meant to be the class implementing the common implementations for all the schwarz methods
 Cschwz::Gather< ValueType, IndexType >
 Cschwz::Scatter< ValueType, IndexType >
 Cschwz::Metadata< ValueType, IndexType >::post_process_dataThe struct used for storing data for post-processing
 Cschwz::SettingsThe struct that contains the solver settings and the parameters to be set by the user
 Cschwz::Initialize< ValueType, IndexType >The initialization class that provides methods for initialization of the solver
 Cschwz::Solve< ValueType, IndexType, MixedValueType >The Solver class the provides the solver and the convergence checking methods
 Cschwz::SchwarzBase< ValueType, IndexType, MixedValueType >The Base solver class is meant to be the class implementing the common implementations for all the schwarz methods
 Cschwz::Utils< ValueType, IndexType >The utilities class which provides some checks and basic utilities