schwz  Generated automatically from develop

The flag -DSCHWARZ_BUILD_BENCHMARKING (default ON) enables the examples and benchmarking snippets.

If schwarz-lib has been built with deal.ii, then the deal.ii examples, ex_6 and ex_9 are also built, else only the bench_ras example is built. The following command line options are available for this example. This is setup using gflags.

The executable is run in the following fashion:


Where FLAGS are the options below with the template flag_name [type][default_value]. For example, to set the number of iterations of the RAS solver to 100 one would add --num_iters=100 to the executable command above.

Generic settings

Input settings

Output settings

Solver settings

Generic settings

Convergence settings

Local solver settings

Poisson solver using Restricted Additive Schwarz with overlap.

This example runs is written within the benchmarking/bench_ras.cpp file. This demonstrates the basic capabilities of schwarz-lib. You can use it to solve the 2D Poisson equation with a 5 point stencil or solve a generic matrix by providing it a matrix file.

Examples with deal.ii

These examples use deal.ii's capabilities to generate a matrix and solution is computed with the RAS method.

Possible settings are:

Solving the n-dimensional Poisson equation with FEM.

The benchmarking/dealii_ex_6.cpp demonstrates the solution of the Poisson equation with adaptive refinement as explained on the deal.ii example documentation page

Solving the Advection equation with FEM.

The benchmarking/dealii_ex_9.cpp demonstrates the solution of the Advection equation with adaptive refinement as explained on the deal.ii example documentation page